• AWS VPC Endpoints – A Quick Guide

    By default if you try to access the some of the resource from another resource in AWS cloud, the traffic flows through Internet. For example, if you want to access a S3 bucket from EC2 instance, the traffic will flow through internet. Now this is not a problem for most of the organisations as traffic

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  • Immutable Runtime Containers – Kubernetes Security Hardening

    In my other posts under Kubernetes Security Hardening (Guides > Kubernetes Security Hardening), we have talked about securing Kubernetes environment by securing the supply chain i.e. docker images, pods, etc. In this post, we will talk about runtime security. What is Immutable Container? By Immutable container, we mean that container cannot be modified during its

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  • Open Policy Agent (OPA) Gatekeeper – Kubernetes Security Hardening

    In addition to having secure images and secure PODS and encrypted POD to POD communication (Check my other blogs under Guides > Kubernetes Security Hardening), we need a policy based control over the cluster. The few policy based control are listed below to give an idea about policy based control Allow images from certain image

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